Dear St. Nicholas subscribers, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
As we begin the New Church Year, which started on September 1st, I greet you with the love of Christ, with the prayer that the coming New Church Year will be a year of grace and continued renewal and spiritual growth for our parish.
I would like to share with you some good news. By the grace of God and with your prayers and financial support, we will be starting replacing the roof on our church in the next few weeks. I would like to personally thank all of you who made this very important project possible. I pray that the Lord rewards you back with all His earthly and heavenly blessings for your generosity.
I would like to also encourage all of you to continue supporting our parish, both with your prayers and financially, as we have other projects that have to be done to keep our church beautiful: updating the floors, replacing the pews, and cleaning the ventilation system - to name the few. So, if you did not have a chance to donate to our Renovation Fund yet, now would be a good time to do so. You can either use a "Donate" button on our website, or mail a check to our church address, or simply make your donation next time you are attending one of our services.
Those of you who have children know that most of the schools start "in person" classes this year on September 21. As you will see in the calendar for September which is further down, on Sunday, September 20th, after the Divine Liturgy, there will be a prayer service (Molieben) for the beginning of a new school year. We will pray for, and have a special blessing of our students, parents, and teachers. So please, come with your children and grandchildren to the church to participate in that service and receive a special blessing.
Also please note, that due to the work being done on the roof of the church, all feastday services that fall on weekdays of this month are scheduled for the evenings, at 6:30pm.
As always, I pray and hope that all of you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. And, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Igor